I've know that stores and libraries are planning parties to launch the book- everything from masquerades to sleepover parties. I read this morning in the Publishers Weekly newsletter that some bookstores in the U.S. are pairing events with blood drives, which I think is a fabulous idea.
You are going to see this book everywhere over the next few days. Global News at Six ran a feature on the release of the book this past Wednesday (the piece was called 'Twilighters' if you want to check it out on the Global TV website, under Top Stories). There will be interviews with Stephenie Meyers in the next few days in the Globe & Mail, the National Post, the Toronto Star, a feature on the book release on CBC News, coverage of the release & a book review in the Vancouver Sun, all of the Canwest papers, and there is an article on the Twilight phenomenon in the latest edition of Maclean's magazine. Wow! And this is just SOME of the Canadian press coverage plans. I could list the U.S. plans, but this blog would go on far too long.
If you want to hear a spoiler direct from the mouth of Stephenie Meyer, you can check out the interview she gave for Entertainment Weekly.
I'm heading out to a nearby provincial park to go camping for the long weekend. I always find the hardest thing about a long weekend is deciding which books to bring. Do you bring the favourite authors that you KNOW you'll enjoy, or do you take the new galley that everyone in the office has been buzzing about? It's a great chance of getting ahead on your reading, but what if the book is bad? What if you (gasp) are stuck in the forest with no reading material?! The release of Breaking Dawn has, at least for me, made this dilemma much easier. I'm taking the first three books to re-read so I'm primed and ready to read the sample which (hopefully) will be waiting for me in my office upon my return...
Have a great long weekend everyone! Happy Reading!
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