Istanbul is one of those cities that I definitely want to visit some day. The Guardian's latest top 10 list is on Turkish literature, chosen by author Selçuk Altun. You can view the full list here. It includes Memed, My Hawk by Yaskar Kemal, translated by Edouard Roditi and available as one of NYRB's Classics, and two books by Nobel prize winner Orhan Pamuk - My Name is Red, translated by Erdag Goknar, and Istanbul: Memories and the City, translated by Maureen Freely. Pamuk will also have a new novel - his first since winni
ng the Nobel - out this fall. It's called The Museum of Innocence and is a romantic love story that involves obsessive collecting.

I have a few advance galleys of this new novel available. If you'd like a copy, send me an e-mail to mscott@randomhouse.com with "Museum of Innocence" in the subject line. I'll accept requests until noon EST on Thursday, Sept. 3rd and then randomly draw from all the entries received. Regrets that this offer is only available to Canadian public, school or academic librarians or teachers.