Sunday, December 13, 2009

Favourite Reads of 2009: Saffron's Picks

I am squeaking one more in! How to pick how to pick...

But hands down the single best book I read last year was Presentation Zen. For anyone that has to do visual and/or oral presentations this is a must read. His blog is very cool. There is a new edition of this coming out this Spring.

Next up is a cookbook. I have always been a fan of Mr. Oliver's and have cooked from his books often. Jamie's Food Revolution is a hoot to read and a delight to cook from.

For kid's books it had to be Me & You by Genevieve Cote. What a delightful tale of two best friends who want to be more like each other. I am always impressed with anyone that can write or draw, but to do both really takes the cake!

What We Eat When We Eat Alone is a little objet for fans of reading and eating (of which I am both). It is a book that I have passed on and reread in snippets. The illustrations are great and it has started some very interesting conversations about what we eat when we are alone? Do we eat over the sink, a can of spaghetti or do we go all out and totally indulge?

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