Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2011 Orange Prize Longlist Announced. . .

The Orange Prize longlist has been announced and as usual, it's a nice mixture of books that have already received much acclaim, like Emma Donoghue's Room or Jennifer Egan's A Visit From the Goon Squad, along with some debut novels (almost 50% of the list this year!) such as Téa Obreht's The Tiger's Wife (which is getting a lot of buzz), and some writers that are completely new to me.  Nice to see Kathleen Winter's Annabel on the list as well as Tessa Hadley's The London Train, a book I recently read and loved.

Full list with descriptions of the books can be found here at The Guardian, which also offers some commentary here. Shortlist comes out April 12th and the winner will be announced June 8th.

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