In a fit of 'got-to-get-in-shape' New Year's Resolution madness, I committed myself to participating in a 'Try-A-Triathlon' being held in June. I've been hitting the gym regularly since January, but now that April is on the horizon (with June not far behind), it is definitely time to kick my workouts up a notch or two.
So, with this in mind, I've signed up for the Tommy Europe 10 -Pound Shred Challenge at work. Many of you will be recognize Tommy Europe- he is a former CFL player, personal trainer, and star of two programs on the Slice Network: The Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp and Bulging Brides.
Tommy's first book, The 10-Pound Shred came out last week. A group of us here at the
HarperCollins office are going to be following the fitness and health program described in the book for the month of April and blogging about our experiences following the program on The Savvy Reader . We've divided into teams and will be challenging each other to use the book as a way to kickstart our personal fitness goals. Mine is to actually finish the 375 m swim/10 km bike/2.5 km run 'Try-a-Tri' race without keeling over or being the last one across the finish line!

Tommy was at the office yesterday to do some Toronto-based press. He took the time to meet the teams participating in the challenge
(and to bench-press one of my teammates - that's us in the picture to the left.)

My question for you is- would you like to follow along at home and take The 10 Pound Shred challenge yourself? I had five copies of the book signed when Tommy was in town. I'd like to send them to five librarians or teachers (Canadian residents only) who are interested in making a big fitness change and are not averse to 31 days of hard work in order to make it happen. If this sounds like something you'd like to do, please send me an e-mail ( with 'The 10-Pound Shred' in the subject line. Please include the full mailing address of your school or library. I'll collect names until Friday March 25th, and randomly select 5 names from amongst the qualified entrants.
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