Thursday, April 14, 2011

Super Smitten. . .

I browse a lot of food blogs, occasionally jotting down the odd recipe. But mostly I'm daydreaming. Which is why I like Smitten Kitchen so much - it gets me off my butt and actually cooking something.  Apart from the gorgeous photography, I really like this foodie's style of writing and the lengths she goes in taking a recipe from a cookbook, trying out different variations, and recording what works and what doesn't.  Her latest post has me salivating - it's her take on a blackberry and coconut macaroon tart taken from Heidi Swanson's new cookbook Super Natural Every Day.  I am definitely making this on the weekend, substituting blueberries for blackberries.  Swoon over the post here

And to see why she had me running around the city looking for a spaetzle maker last weekend (my new favourite kitchen gadget)  check out her experiments with this Bavarian noodle recipe from The Balthazar Cookbook by Keith McNally, Riad Nasr and Lee Hanson.   To see my messier, but no less tasty results, click here

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