I've found my new craft project for the holidays and it's this knit and fabric afghan pictured on the cover of
Erika Knight's Classic Knits at Home. I should preface this by saying I'm not a very good knitter; a simple scarf is the most complicated thing I've ever attempted. But I do like to quilt (which just takes forever) and I was immediately intrigued by the look and multiple textures of this cozy throw. It may not be clear in the photograph, but it's actually constructed with hexigons that alternate between six different knitted patterns and ones cut out of men's wear fabrics. Now knitting patterns usually terrify me - yes, I can do a basic knit or purl, but counting stitches or rows, increasing, decreasing, trying to keep track of where I am in the pattern - it's all very stressful. However, I had a bit of wool left over from a previous project and so I thought I'd try one of the simpler hexigons. And lo and behold, it actually worked out. I've now tried three of the six patterns and I am hooked. The secret for me is to write out the pattern of every single row on a cue card and then cross it off when I've completed it. I'm doing mine in different colours - using light gray, a darker charcoaly gray-purple, creamy white and then a pale yellow. I'll go shopping for some fabric with browner tones than the bluey-gray used up above once I've knitted up all the hexigons. Other projects in this book include floor pillows, a rug, a yoga mat and planter covers, and honestly, if I can follow the instructions, anyone can. Here's some of what I've done so far.
Oh I want this NOW!They look so good Maylin and perfect little bits of knitting to have on the go at all times, I'll look forward to seeing the finished item, eventually:-)
Yes, I'm really having fun with it and getting over my pattern phobias. I even (after two tries) completed my first cable hexigon (and cables have always completely mystified me). I still have a lot to learn, ahem, especially about gauges - my hexigons are quite a bit smaller than what the pattern calls for, but I want a slightly larger throw anyways, so I'll just keep knitting them until I have the size I want.
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